7.10.24: Paper on rs-fMRI in 2 cohorts of patients with CRPS and healthy controls accepted by Neuroimage entitled: Functional connectivity in complex regional pain syndrome: a bicentric study, authored by Hok P., Strauss S., McAuley J., Domin M., Wang A.P., Rae C., Moseley G.L., Lotze M.
30.9.24: New accepted manuscript by Human Brain Maping from our craniomandibular disorder research entiled:
Pain catastrophizing and functional activation during occlusion in TMD patients - an interventional study by Klepzig K., Domin M., Kordaß B., Lotze M.

17.9.24: New accepted manuscript: Performance Control during longitudinal activation fMRI-studies, by M. Lotze for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

19.8.24: New publication in Molecular Psychiatry by Langhammer T, 39 authors including Lotze M., Lücken U. (2024) Resting-state Functional Connectivity in Anxiety Disorders: A Multicenter fMRI Study.
18.7.24: Link for our article entitled "Down-modulation of functional ventral striatum activation for emotional face stimuli in patients with insula damage" in PlosOne:
9.7.24: Newly accepted manuscript for Europ. J.Neurol. by Hok P., Thai Q.T., Bučková B.R., Domin M., Řasová K, Tintěra J., Lotze M., Grothe M., Hlinka J. entitled: Global Functional Connectivity Reorganization Reflects Cognitive Processing Speed Deficits and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis.
26.6.24: Accepted by Pain: Gray matter volume of limbic brain structures during the development of chronic back pain: a longitudinal cohort study Authors: Nicola Neumann; Martin Domin; Martin Lotze
link for the pdf:

21.5.24: New accepted paper from the Enigma Pain Network: "ENIGMA-Chronic Pain: a worldwide initiative to identify brain correlates of chronic pain" in Pain
20.5.24: New accepted paper from the Panic Network: "Elevated Accuracy in Recognition of Subliminal Happy Facial Expressions in Patients with Panic Disorder after Psychotherapy" in Frontiers in Psychiatry
18.5.24: New acceptance of a group study: "Lack of evidence for predictive utility from resting state fMRI data for individual exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes: a machine learning study in two large multi-site samples in anxiety disorders" in Neuroimage
13.5.24: Just accepted by Experimental Brain Research: "The excitability of ipsilateral motor evoked potentials is not task-specific and spatially distinct from the contralateral motor hotspot" by Seusing et al.
24.4.24: Just accepted by Molecular Pschiatry: Altered cortical synaptic lipid signaling leads to intermediate phenotypes of mental disorders; by Tüscher, Muthuram and Horstmann et al.
Sinfony of the synapses: Watch the report on our latest project for handwriting and creativity:

26.3.24: New accepted manuscript in PLosOne entitled Down-modulation of functional ventral striatum activation for emotional face stimuli in patients with insula damage by Klepzig K., Domin M., von Sarnowski B., Lischke A., Lotze M.
25.3.24: New accptance in NeuroImage for our review paper entitled "Emotional processing impairments in patients with insula lesions following stroke"

Schematic illustration of representation maxima in the human insula obtained by metaanalyses on fMRI-studies: Kurth et al., 2010: Somatosensory (blue), Motor (red), Attention (yellow); Belussi et al., 2020: Empathy (light green); Fullana et al., 2016: fear conditioning (dark green).
26.2.24: Paper accepted from our Temperomandibular Disorder group in the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation entitled: Pain, stress and anxiety in temperomandibular disorders were affected by maxillar splints. by Klepzig K., Wendt J., Teusch L., Rickert C., Kordaß B., Lotze M.

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