
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All person copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author′s copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
  • Klepzig K., Wendt J., Teusch L., Rickert C., Kordaß B., Lotze M. (2024) Pain, stress and anxiety in temperomandibular disorders were affected by maxillar splints. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 51(6):1025-1033.
  • Hilbert K., ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group including Lotze M., Lueken U. (2024) Cortical and subcortical brain alterations in specific phobia and its animal and blood-injection-injury subtypes: a mega-analysis from the ENIGMA-Anxiety Working Group; American Journal of Psychiatry; accepted
  • Klepzig K., Domin M., von Sarnowski B., Lischke A., Lotze M. (2024) Down-modulation of functional ventral striatum activation for emotional face stimuli in patients with insula damage. PlosOne, accepted.
  • Lotze M. (2024) Emotional processing impairments in patients with insula lesions following stroke. NeuroImage 291:120591.
  • Thai Q.T., Lotze M. (2024) Developing new strategies for the gradual integration of sensory imagery scripts into mental training - a commentary for Krüger et al. Psychological Research, Special Issue on the Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Motor Imagery Practice.
  • Tüscher J., Horstmann J.P., Lotze M., 26 coauthors, Vogt J. (2024) Altered cortical synaptic lipid signaling leads to intermediate phenotypes of mental disorders, Molecular Psychiatry, accepted.
  • Lotze, M. (2024) Übersicht zur Schmerzverarbeitung, Neuroreha 2/24.
  • Qian Z. and 20 authors including Lotze M. (2024) Elevated Accuracy in Recognition of Subliminal Happy Facial Expressions in Patients with Panic Disorder after Psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, DOI 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1375751.
  • Stephan K.M., Lotze M. (2024) Plastizität als Grundlage für die Erholung nach Schlaganfall, in: Update Neurorehabilitation; Ed: Platz T., Hippokrates Verlag; 1-26.
  • Seusing S., Strauss S., Fleischmann R., Nafz C., Groppa S., Muthuraman M., Ding H., Byblow W., Lotze M., Grothe M. (2024) The excitability of ipsilateral motor evoked potentials is not task-specific and spatially distinct from the contralateral motor hotspot. Experimental Brain Research, in press.
  • Hilbert K. and 47 coauthors including Lotze M. (2024) Lack of evidence for predictive utility from resting state fMRI data for individual exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy outcomes: a machine learning study in two large multi-site samples in anxiety disorders. Neuroimage, in press.
  • Quide Y. and 84 authors from the Enigma-Pain group including Domin M., Sebastian S. and Lotze M. (2024) ENIGMA-Chronic Pain: a worldwide initiative to identify brain correlates of chronic pain. Pain, in press.
  • Ladda M.A., Lotze M. (2024) Kreativtherapien in der Neurorehabilitation. Zeitschrift für Komplementärmedizin. 4-2024.
  • Hok P., Thai Q.T., Bučková B.R., Domin M., Řasová K, Tintěra J., Lotze M., Grothe M., Hlinka J. (2024) Global Functional Connectivity Reorganization Reflects Cognitive Processing Speed Deficits and Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis. Europ. J. Neurol. accepted.
  • Langhammer T, 39 authors including Lotze M., Lücken, U. (2024) Resting-state Functional Connectivity in Anxiety Disorders: A Multicenter fMRI Study. Molecular Psychiatry, accepted.
  • Lotze M. (2024) Performance Control during longitudinal activation fMRI-studies. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, accepted.
  • Klepzig K., Domin M., Kordaß B., Lotze M. (2024) Pain catastrophizing and functional activation during occlusion in TMD patients - an interventional study. Human Brain Mapping, accepted.
  • Hok P., Strauss S., McAuley J., Domin M., Wang A.P., Rae C., Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2024) Functional connectivity in complex regional pain syndrome: a bicentric study. Neuroimage, accepted.
  • Neumann N., Fullana MA., Radua J., Brandt T., Dieterich M., Lotze M. (2023) Common neural correlates of vestibular stimulation and fear learning: an fMRI meta-analysis. Journal of Neurology, accepted.
  • Liew S-L, several other coauthors including Domin M., Lotze M., and Thompson P.T. (2023) Association of brain age, lesion volume, and functional outcome in patients with stroke, Neurology, accepted.
  • Veverka T., Hok P., Trnečková M., Otruba P., Zapletalová J., Tüdös Z., Lotze M., Kaňovský P., Hluštík P. (2023) Interhemispheric parietal cortex connectivity reflects improvement in post-stroke spasticity due to treatment with botulinum toxin-A, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, in press.
  • Witt L.*, Klepzig K.*, von Sarnowski B., Horn U., Domin M., Hamm A., Lotze M. (*equal contribution) (2023) Modulation of bodily response to chill stimuli by impaired structural connectivity of the left insula- a functional and lesion quantification study in stroke patients, European Journal of Neurology, in press.
  • Domin M., Hordacre B, Hok P, 17 Autor*innen, Lotze M. (2023) White matter integrity and chronic post-stroke upper limb function: An ENIGMA Stroke Recovery analysis. STROKE, accepted.
  • Klepzig K., Domin M., Wendt J., von Sarnowski B., Lischke A., Hamm A.O., Lotze M. (2023) Structural integrity of the insula and emotional facial recognition performance following stroke. Brain Communications, in press.
  • Neumann N., Domin M., Schmidt C.O., Lotze M. (2023) Chronic pain is associated with less gray matter volume in the anterior cingulum, anterior and posterior insula and hippocampus across three different chronic pain conditions, European Journal of Pain, in press.
  • Flechsig A.*, Bernheim D. *, Buchheim A., Domin M., Mentel, R., Lotze M. (2023) One year of outpatient dialectical behavioral therapy and its impact on neuronal correlates of attachment representation in patients with borderline personality disorder using a personalized fMRI task. Brain Sciences, accepted.
  • Ding H., Seusing N., Nasseroleslami B., Anwar A.R., Strauss S., Lotze M., Grothe M., Groppa S., Muthuraman M. (2023) The role of ipsilateral motor network in upper limb movement, Frontiers in Physiology, accepted.
  • Ebel M., Domin M., Neumann N., Schmidt CO., Lotze M., Stanke M. (2023) Classifying sex with volume-matched brain MRI. Neuroimage Reports, accepted.
  • Lotze M. (2023) Übersicht: Richtig motivieren. Neuroreha, 15(3): 1-5.
  • Lotze M., Naumann T., Münzert J. (2023) Schwerpunkt: Mentales Training im Sport. Neuroreha, 15(3): 1-6.
  • Saulin, A., Horn, U., Lotze, M., Kaiser, J., Hein, G. (2022) The neural computation of human prosocial choices in complex motivational states. Neuroimage, in press.
  • Bernheim D, Buchheim A , Domin M, Mentel R, Lotze M. (2022) Neural correlates of attachment representation in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder using a personalized fMRI task. Front. Hum. Neurosci., section: Cognitive Neuroscience; in press.
  • Zavaliangos-Petropulu A., 50 coauthors including Lotze M., Liew, L. (2022) Chronic stroke sensorimotor impairment is related to smaller hippocampal volumes: An ENIGMA analysis, Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA), in press.
  • Westermann B., Lotze M., Varra L., Versteeg N., Domin M., Nicolet L., Obrist M., Klepzig K., Marbot L., Lämmler L., Fiedler K., Wattendorf E. (2022) When laughter arrests speech: fMRI-based evidence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society for Biological Sciences 377: 20210182.
  • Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2022) Clinical and neurophysiological effects of progressive movement imagery training for pathological pain, The Journal of Pain, in press.
  • Ladda A.M., Lotze M., (2022) Kreativtherapien in der Neurorehabilitation- ein Überblick. Neuroreha, 14 (02), 57-63.
  • Domin M., Mihai G.P., Platz T., Lotze M. (2022) Swallowing function in the chronic stage following stroke is associated with white matter integrity of the callosal tract between the interhemispheric S1 swallowing representation areas. Neuroimage Clinical, in press. article download link:
  • Klepzig K., Stender K., Lotze M., Hamm, A. (2022) Written in the Face? Facial Expressions during Pleasant and Unpleasant Chills. Psychology of Music, in press.
  • Lotze M., Domin M., Langner S., Platz T. (2022) Functional MRI in radiology – a personal review. Healthcare, in press.
  • Worblewski A., 23 authors including Lotze M., Richter J. (2022) Sometimes I feel the fear of uncertainty. Int J Psychophysiol, in press.
  • Grothe M., Jochem K., Strauss S., Kirsch M., Hoffeld K., Penner I-K., Nagels G., Klepzig K., Domin* M., Lotze* M. (2021) Performance in information processing speed is associated with superior parietal tract integrity in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers Neurology, in press.
  • Thoma P, Drämel N., Grothe M., Lotze M., Fleischmann R., Strauss S (2022) Impaired pain processing on a brainstem level as potential electrophysiological biomarker in patients with complex regional pain syndrome. Molecular Neurobiology, in press.
  • Strauss S., Barby S., Härtner J., Neumann N., Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2021) Modifications in fMRI representation of mental rotation following a 6 week graded motor imagery training in chronic CRPS patients. Journal of Pain, 22(6):680-691.
  • Hordacre B., Lotze M., Jenkinson M., Lazari A., Barras C.D., Boyd L., Hillier S. (2021) Fronto-parietal involvement in chronic stroke motor performance when corticospinal tract integrity is compromised. Neuroimage Clinical, in press.
  • Domin M.*, Grimm N.*, Klepzig K., Schmidt C.O., Kordass B., Lotze M. (2021) Grey matter brain alterations in temporomandibular disorder tested in a population cohort and three clinical samples, Journal of Pain, in press
  • Ladda A.M., Lebon F., Lotze M. (2021) Using motor imagery practice for improving motor performance – a review. Brain and Cognition, in press.
  • Haertner J.*, Strauss S.*, Pfannmoeller J.*, Lotze M.*, *equal contribution (2021) Tactile acuity of fingertips and hand representation size in Area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex. Neuroimage, in press.
  • Lotze M. (2021) Der ältere Patient in der Neurorehabilitation. Neuroreha, 13: 73–75.
  • Lotze M. (2021) Alter und Abbau der grauen Substanz des Gehirns. Neuroreha, 13: 57–61.
  • Raufelder D*, Neumann N*, Domin M, Lorenz RC, Gleich T, Golde S, Romund L, Beck A, Hoferichter F (2021). Do belonging and social exclusion at school influence structural brain development during adolescence? in Child Development, doi: 10.1111/cdev.13613. (*shared first authorship)
  • Strauss S., Barby S., Härtner J., Pfannmöller J., Neumann N., Moseley G.L., Lotze M. (2021) Graded motor imagery modifies movement pain, cortical excitability and sensorimotor function in CRPS. Brain Communications, accepted.
  • Domin M.*, Strauss S.*, McAuley J.H., Lotze M. (2021) Complex regional pain syndrome: thalamic GMV atrophy and associations of lower GMV with clinical and sensorimotor performance data, Frontiers in Neurology, accepted. *equal contribution
  • Gleichgerrcht E, ..., Domin M, ..., Bonilha L; ENIGMA-Epilepsy Working Group. Artificial intelligence for classification of temporal lobe epilepsy with ROI-level MRI data: A worldwide ENIGMA-Epilepsy study. Neuroimage Clin. 2021;31:102765. doi: 10.1016/j.nicl.2021.102765. Epub 2021 Jul 24. PMID: 34339947; PMCID: PMC8346685.
  • Altmann, A, ..., Domin M, ..., Sisodiya SM, A systems-level analysis highlights microglial activation as a modifying factor in common epilepsies. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol. 2021.
  • Liew, S-L, Autoren Enigma Recovery Group incl. Lotze, M. ..., Thompson, P. (2021) Smaller spared subcortical nuclei are associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes in 28 cohorts worldwide; Brain Communications, accepted.
  • Hosten et al. (37 authors; from our group: M Domin, M. Lotze); Ship-MR and Radiology: 12 Years of Whole-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in a Single Center. Healthcare, in press.
  • Anders, S., Beck, C. Domin, M., Lotze, M. (2020) Empathic responses to unknown others are modulated by shared behavioural traits. Scientific Reports, in press.
  • Neumann N., Lotze M., Domin M. (2020) Sex-specific Association of Poor Sleep Quality With Gray Matter Volume. Sleep, 43(9):zsaa035.
  • Kordass B., Lotze M. (2020) Neurozerebrale Wirkung von Aufbissschienen und Konsequenzen für die Praxis. Quintessenz Zahntechnik 46(4), 2-8 und Quintessenz Team-Journal 50: 2–7.
  • Ernst M, Schenkenberger AE, Domin M, Kordass B, Lotze M. Effects of centric mandibular splint therapy on orofacial pain and cerebral activation patterns. Clin Oral Investig. 2020;24(6):2005-2013. doi:10.1007/s00784-019-03064-y
  • Grothe M., Domin M., Hoffeld K., Nagels G., Lotze M. (2020) Functional representation of the symbol digit modalities test in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, in press.
  • Lotze M & Moseley GL (2020) Schmerzpatienten in Bewegung bringen. Neuroreha 12: 80–83.
  • Kreifelts B., Ethofer T., Wiegand A., Brück C., Wächter S., Erb M., Lotze M., Wildgruber D. (2020) The neural correlates of face-voice-integration in social anxiety disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry (Section Neuroimaging and Stimulation), in press.
  • Lotze M., Stephan K.M. (2020) Plastizität als Grundlage für die Erholung nach Schlaganfall, in: update Neurorehabilitation; Ed: Platz T., Hippokrates Verlag; 2: 20.
  • Lotze M., Ladda A.M. (2020) Grundlagen der Sinnesverarbeitung im Bezug auf das Training von motorischer Funktion. Neuroreha, 3_2020
  • The ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group (2020) Big data neuroimaging to study brain–behavior relationships after stroke. Human Brain Mapping, in press.
  • Kunas SL, Hilbert K, Yang Y, Richter J, Hamm A, Wittmann A, Ströhle A, Pfleiderer B, Herrmann MJ, Lang T, Lotze M, Deckert J, Arolt V, Wittchen HU, Straube B, Kircher T, Gerlach AL, Lueken U (2020) The modulating impact of cigarette smoking on brain structure in panic disorder: a VBM study. SCAN, in press.
  • Ventura Bort C., Wendt J., Wirkner J., König J., Lotze M., Hamm A.O., Dolcos F., Weymar M. (2020). Neural Substrates of Long-term Item and Source Memory for Emotional Associates: An fMRI Study. Neuropsychologia, in press.
  • König J. et al. (2020) Cortical Thickness and Resting State Cardiac Function Across the Lifespan: A Cross-Sectional Pooled Mega Analysis; Psychophysiology, in press.
  • Usichenko T, Wenzel A, Klausenitz C, Petersmann A, Hesse T, Neumann N, Hahnenkamp K. (2020). Auricular stimulation vs. expressive writing for exam anxiety in medical students - A randomized crossover investigation. PloS one, 15(8), e0238307.
  • Lotze M., Domin M., Schmid C.O., Hosten, N., Grabe, H., Neumann N. (2020) Income is associated with hippocampal/amygdala and education with cingulate cortex grey matter volume. Scientific Reports, 10(1):18786.
  • Ladda A.M.*, Wallwork S.* (equal contribution), Lotze M. (2020) The IPS as a multimodal sensory-spatial integration unit essential for body coordination in musicians and dancers, Frontiers Psychology 11:576120.
  • Larivière, S., ... , Domin, M., ... & Bernhardt, B. C. (The ENIGMA Epilepsy Working Group) (2020). Network-based atrophy modeling in the common epilepsies: A worldwide ENIGMA study. Science advances, 6(47), eabc6457. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc6457
  • Sisodiya SM, ..., Domin M, ..., McDonald CR; ENIGMA Consortium Epilepsy Working Group. The ENIGMA-Epilepsy working group: Mapping disease from large data sets. Hum Brain Mapp. 2020 May 29. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25037. PMID: 32468614.
  • Sean N Hatton, ..., Martin Domin, ..., Carrie R McDonald, White matter abnormalities across different epilepsy syndromes in adults: an ENIGMA-Epilepsy study, Brain, Volume 143, Issue 8, August 2020, Pages 2454–2473,
  • Pfannmöller, J. and Lotze, M. (2019) Resting-State Biomarkers of chronic pain patients, Brain and Cognition, 2019; 131:4-9. doi: 10.1016/j.bandc.2018.06.005.
  • Lotze M., Domin M., Gerlach F.H., Gaser C., Luders E., Schmid C.O., Neumann N. (2019) Novel findings from 2,838 Adult Brains on Sex Differences in Gray Matter Brain Volume. Scientific Reports, 9:1671.
  • Lotze M, Ladda AM. (2019) App-gestützte ambulante Therapie, Neuroreha 1/19, in press.
  • Finkel S., Veit R., Lotze M., Friberg A., Vuust P., Soekadar S., Birbaumer N., Kleber B. (2019) Intermittent theta burst stimulation over right somatosensory larynx cortex enhances vocal pitch-control in non-singers, Human Brain Mapping, in press.
  • Strauss S., Lotze M., Flöel A., Domin M., Grothe M. (2019) Changes in Interhemispheric Motor Connectivity Across the Lifespan: A Combined TMS and DTI Study. Frontiers aging neuroscience, Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 11 (2019): 12.
  • Lotze M, Langner R. (2019) Editorial for the special issue “Resting-state fMRI and Cognition”, Brain and Cognition 131:1-3.
  • Kohler M., Strauss S., Horn U., Langner I., Usichenko T., Neumann N., Lotze M. (2019) Differences in neuronal representation of mental rotation in CRPS patients and healthy controls. The Journal of Pain, 20:898-907.
  • Lotze M., Ladda A.M., Stephan K.M. (2019) Cerebral Plasticity as the Basis of Recovery following Brain Damage, Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 99:49-58.
  • Domin M., Lotze M. (2019) Parcellation of Motor Cortex associated Regions in the Human Corpus Callosum on the basis of Human Connectome Project data, Brain Structure and Function, Brain Structure and Function (2019): 1-9.
  • Hahm S., Lotze M., Domin M., Schmidt S. (2019) The association of health-related quality of life and cerebral gray matter volume in the context of aging: A voxel-based morphometry study with a general population sample. NeuroImage, NeuroImage 191: 470-480.
  • Pfannmöller J. Strauss S., Langner I., Usichenko T., Lotze M. (2019) Investigations on maladaptive plasticity in the sensorimotor cortex of unilateral upper limb CRPS I patients, Restaurative Neurologie and Neuroscience 37(2):143-153.
  • Kreifelts B., Eckstein KN., Ethofer T., Wiegand A., Wächter S., Brück C., Erb M., Lotze M., Wildgruber D. (2019) Tuned to voices and faces: Cerebral responses linked to social anxiety. Neuroimage. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.05.018.
  • Horn U., Lotze M. (2019) Prognosestellungen in der Neurorehabilitation. Neuroreha, 11:53-59.
  • Wattendorf E., Westermann B., Fiedler K., Pfannmöller J., Lotze M., Celio MR. (2019) Laughter is in the air: Involvement of key nodes of the emotional motor system in the anticipation of tickling. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, in press.
  • Ladda A.M., Lotze M. (2019) Mentales Training, Bewegungsbeobachtung. Neuroreha 11;118-122.
  • Lotze M., Lindenberg P. (2019) Promoting manual dexterity recovery after stroke – understanding recovery mechanisms and therapeutic interventions. Editorial for Frontiers in Neurology/Stroke
  • Yang Y., Lueken U., Wittmann A., Konrad C., Ströhle A., Pfleiderer B., Richter J., Herrmann M., Lang T., Lotze M., Hamm A., Deckert J., Arolt V., Wittchen H-U., Kircher T., Straube B. (2019) Effect of CBT on Biased Semantic Network in Panic Disorder: A Multicenter fMRI Study Using Semantic Priming. American Journal of Psychiatry, in press.
  • Dammann J., Klepzig K., Schenkenberger E., Kordass B., Lotze M. (2019) Association of decrease in anterior insula fMRI activation with changes in trait anxiety in patients with craniomandibular disorder (CMD), Behavioral Brain Research 379:112327.
  • Klepzig K., Horn U., König J., Holtz K., Wendt J., Hamm A.O., Lotze M. (2019) Brain imaging of chill reactions to pleasant and unpleasant sounds, Behavioural Brain Research, in press.
  • Domin M., Bartels S., Geithner J., Wang I., Runge U., Grothe M., Langner S., von Podewils F. (2018) Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy shows potential structural white matter abnormalities: a TBSS study. Front Neurol. 9:509.
  • Berneiser J, Jahn G, Grothe M, Lotze M. (2018) From visual to motor strategies: training in mental rotation of hands. Neuroimage 167:247-255.
  • Lebon F., Horn U., Domin M., Lotze M. (2018) Motor imagery training: kinesthetic imagery strategy and inferior parietal fMRI activation. Human Brain Mapping 39(4):1805-1813.
  • ENIGMA-Epilepsy working group (2018) Structural brain abnormalities in the common epilepsies assessed in a worldwide ENIGMA study. BRAIN 141; 391–408.
  • Karle KN., Ethofer T., Jacob H., Brück C., Erb M., Lotze M., Nizielski S., Schütz A., Wildgruber D., Kreifelts B. (2018) Neurobiological correlates of emotional intelligence in voice and face perception networks. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 13(2):233-244.
  • Neumann N, Domin M, Erhardt K, Lotze, M (2018) Voxel-based morphometry in creative writers: Gray-matter increase in a prefronto-thalamic-cerebellar network. European Journal of Neuroscience, in press.
  • Lotze M., Roschka S., Domin M., Platz T. (2018) Predicting training gain for a three week period of arm ability training in the subacute stage after stroke. Front. Neurol. 9:854.
  • Lotze M. (2018) Emotionsstörungen in der Rehabilitation. Neuroreha 10 (02), 61-65.
  • Lotze M. (2018) Funktionelle Anatomie der Emotionsstörungen. Neuroreha 10 (02), 66-70.
  • Lotze M., Ladda AM. (2018) Grundlagen und Anwendung der Neuromodulation. Neuroreha 10: 161–167.
  • Nikkhah G., Lotze M. (2018) Tiefe Hirnstimulation bei Patienten mit Bewegungsstörungen und Schmerzen. Neuroreha 10: 190–193.
  • Eyme KM., Domin M., Gerlach F., Hosten N., Schmidt CO., Gaser C., Flöel A., Lotze M. (2018) Physically active life style is associated with increased grey matter brain volume in a medial parieto-frontal network; Behavioural brain research 359 (2019): 215-222.
  • Platz T and Lotze M (2018) Arm Ability Training (AAT) Promotes Dexterity Recovery After a Stroke—a Review of Its Design, Clinical Effectiveness, and the Neurobiology of the Actions. Front. Neurol. 9:1082.
  • Usichenko TI, Möller N, Janner H, Meissner K, Lotze M, Hahnenkamp K (2018) An advanced protocol for the measurement of temporal summation of heat pain – a pilot investigation in healthy volunteers. Neurophysiology (Ukraine),0090-2977/18/5006-00415.
  • Lotze M., Domin M., Kordass B. (2017) Symmetry of fMRI activation in the primary sensorimotor Cortex during unilateral chewing. Clinical Oral Investigations, 21(4):967-973.
  • Horn U., Grothe, M., Lotze, M. (2017) MRI-Biomarkers for hand motor outcome-prediction and therapy-monitoring following stroke. Neural Plasticity 2016:9265621.
  • Lotze, M., Ladda, A-M., Roschka, S., Platz, T., Dinse, H.R. (2017) Priming hand motor training with repetitive electric stimulation of the finger tips; performance gain and neural training effects, Brain Stimulation,10:139-146.
  • Lotze M. (2017) Resting-State-Konnektivität in der Schlaganfall-Forschung; Werkzeug der Zukunft für Diagnostik und Therapiemonitoring? Neuro Aktuell, in press.
  • Grunkina V.*, Holtz K*, Klepzig K., Neubert J., Horn U., Domin M., Hamm A., Lotze M. (2017) (*equal contribution) The anterior left insula as a monitor of bodily reaction and felt chill – a case-control functional imaging study. Frontiers in Neurosci, in press.
  • Grothe M, Doppl K, Roth C, Roschka S, Platz T, Lotze M. (2017) Changes in motor cortex excitability for the trained and non-trained hand after long-term unilateral motor training. Neuroscience Letters, 647:117-121.
  • Lischke A., Domin M., Freyberger H.J., Grabe H.J., Mentel R., Bernheim D., Lotze M. (2017) Structural alterations in the corpus callosum are associated with suicidal behavior in women with borderline personality disorder. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, in press
  • Grothe, M., Lotze, M., Langner, S., Dressel, A. (2017) Impairments in walking ability, dexterity and cognitive function in multiple sclerosis are associated with different regional cerebellar gray matter loss. Cerebellum, 16(5-6):945-950.
  • Lotze, M. (2017) Handmotorik, Gestik und die Entwicklung der Sprache. Neuroreha 9:64-67.
  • Wendt, J. Löw, A., Weymar, M., Lotze, M., Hamm, A.O. (2017) Active Avoidance and Attentive Freezing in the Face of Approaching Threat. Neuroimage, in press.
  • Stephan K.M., Lotze M. (2017) Plastizität als Grundlage für die Erholung nach Schlaganfall. Neurol Rehabil 2017; 23 (3): 199-208.
  • Usichenko T., Hacker H, Lotze M. (2017) Transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation (taVNS) might be a mechanism behind the analgesic effects of auricular acupuncture. Brain Stimulation, in press.
  • Lischke A., Lemke D., Neubert J., Hamm AO.*, Lotze M.* (*equal contribution; 2017) Inter-individual differences in heart rate variability are associated with inter-individual differences in mind-reading; Scientific Reports, in press.
  • Platz T, Adler-Wiebe M., Roschka S., Lotze M. (2017) Enhancement of motor learning by focal intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) of either the primary motor (M1) or somatosensory area (S1) in healthy human subjects. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, in press.
  • Di Pietro F, Stanton TR, Moseley GL, Lotze M, McAuley JH (2016). An exploration into the cortical reorganisation of the healthy hand in upper-limb complex regional pain syndrome. Scandinavian Journal of Pain, in press.
  • Lindow, J., Domin, M., Grothe, M, Horn, U, Eickhoff, S.B., Lotze, M. (2016) Connectivity-based predictions of hand motor outcome for mildly affected patients at the sub-acute stage after stroke. Frontiers Human Neuroscience 10:101.
  • Pfannmöller J.P., Schweizer, R., Lotze M. (2016) An Automated Analysis Protocol for high resolution BOLD-fMRI Mapping of the Fingertip Somatotopy in Brodmann Area 3b. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 43(2):479-86.
  • Wattendorf E., Westermann B., Lotze M., Fiedler K, Celio M.R. (2016) Insular-cortex activity and the evocation of laughter. Journal of Comparative Neurology 524(8):1608-15.
  • Neumann, N., Lotze, M., Eickhoff, S.B. (2016) Cognitive expertise: an ALE meta-analysis. Human Brain Mapping 37(1):262-72.
  • Fritz, H.C., McAuley, J.H., Wittfeld, K., Hegenscheid, K., Schmidt, C.O., Langner, S., Lotze, M. (2016) Chronic back pain is associated with decreased prefrontal and anterior insular gray matter. Results from a population-based cohort study. Journal of Pain, 17(1):111-8.
  • Platz, T., Schüttauf, J., Aschenbach, J., Mengdehl C., Lotze, M. (2016) Effects of neuronavigated cTBS to different brain sites involved in visuospatial attention. Rest. Neurol Neurosci. 34(2):271-85.
  • Lindow, J., Domin, M., Grothe, M., Horn, U., Eickhoff, S., Lotze, M. (2016) Prognostische Wertigkeit konnektivitätsbasierter Parameter für das motorische Outcome der Handfunktion bei subakuten Schlaganfallpatienten. Klinische Neurophysiologie, in press.
  • Yang, Y., Lueken, U., Wittmann, A., Holtz, K., Kleint, N.I., Herrmann, M.J., Sass, K., Jansen, A., Konrad, C., Ströhle, A. , Pfleiderer, B., Lotze, M., Hamm, A., Deckert, J., Arolt, V., Wittchen, H-U., Kircher T., Straube, B. (2016) Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Anxiety Sensitivity: An fMRI Study using Semantic Priming, SCAN, in press.
  • Kleber, B., Veit, R., Moll, C.V., Gaser, C., Birbaumer, N., Lotze, M. (2016) The brain of opera singers revisited: increased gray-matter density in right somatosensory and auditory regions revealed by voxel-based morphometry. Neuroimage 133:477-483.
  • Grothe, M., Langner, S., Lotze, M., Dressel, A. (2016) The role of global and regional gray matter volume decrease in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, 263(6):1137-45.
  • Bertram, J., Koschützke, L., Pfannmöller, J., Esche, J., van Diepen, L., Kuss, A., Hartmann, B., Bartsch, D., Lotze, M., von Bohlen und Halbach, O. (2016) Morphological and behavioral characterization of adult mice deficient for SrGAP3; Cell&Tissue Research, in press.
  • Horn, U., Roschka, S., Eyme, K., Walz, A.D., Platz, T., Lotze, M. (2016) Increased ventral premotor cortex recruitment after arm training in an fMRI study with subacute stroke patients. Behavioral Brain Research 308:152-9.
  • Lotze M., Stephan K.M. (2016) Plastizität als Grundlage für die Erholung nach Schlaganfall, in: update neuroreha, Auflage 2; Herausgeber: Platz T., Hippocampus Verlag, in press.
  • Mihai, P.G., Otto, M., Domin, M., Platz, T., Hamdy, S., Lotze, M. (2016) Brain imaging correlates of recovered swallowing after dysphagic stroke: an fMRI and DWI study. Neuroimage Clinical,2:1013-1021.
  • Landmann G, Lotze M. Neuropathische Schmerzen nach Querschnittlähmung. Neuroreha; 8: 117–121.
  • Lotze M., Kordaß B, Schindler H.J. Kapitel 11: Zentralnervöse Repräsentation der Okklusionsschienentherapie – Untersuchungen mittels Funktioneller MRT; aus dem Buch: Konzept Okklusionsschiene; Ed: Schindler H.J.; Quintessenz Verlag, 2016.
  • Pfannmöller J.P., Greiner, M., Balasubramanian M., Lotze M. (2016) Precise evaluation of primary functional somatosensory representation using high resolution fMRI. Neuroscience, in press.
  • Walz A., Doppl K., Kaza E., Roschka S., Platz T., Lotze M. (2015) Changes in cortical, cerebellar and basal ganglia representation after comprehensive long term unilateral hand motor training. Behavioral Brain Research, 278C:393-403.
  • Neuroreha 1/2015: Thema Schmerz: - Lotze, M. (2015) Neurobiologie des Schmerzes - Moseley G.L., Lotze, M. (2015) Ansätze zur Schmerztherapie; theoretischer Hintergrund - Trojan J., Flor, H. Lotze, M. (2015) Schmerzerleben
  • Lotze, M. und Kordaß, B. (2015) Neurozerebrale Dimensionen des „Dentalen“ – Untersuchungen mit fMRT In: Das Dentale: Hrsg. Kordaß et al. Quintessenz Verlag, Berlin.
  • Lindner, K., Neubert, J., Pfannmöller, J., Lotze, M., Hamm, A. O., & Wendt, J. (2015). Fear-potentiated startle processing in humans: parallel fMRI and orbicularis EMG-assessment during cue conditioning and extinction. International Journal of Psychophysiology 98(3 Pt 2):535-45.
  • Lotze M. and Moseley GL.(2015) Theoretical considerations for chronic pain rehabilitation. Physical Therapy 95(9):1316-20.
  • Windel AS*, Mihai PG*, Lotze M. (2015) Neuroimaging of swallowing in the elderly, Behavioral Brain Research 286:308-17.
  • Lotze M (2015) Hand and face observation and the role of frontal areas for emotional appraisal. Comparative Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging: Volume 2; Neuropsychology: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Lit Verlag, Berlin.
  • von Podewils, F., Runge, U., Krüger, S., Geithner, J., Wang, Z. I., Khaw, A. V., Angermaier, A., Gaida, B., Domin, M., Kessler, C. and Langner, S. (2015), Diffusion tensor imaging abnormalities in photosensitive juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. European Journal of Neurology, in press.
  • Lischke A, Domin M, Freyberger HJ, Grabe HJ, Mentel R, Bernheim D, Lotze M (2015) Structural alterations in white matter tracts connecting (para-)limbic and prefrontal brain regions in Borderline Personality Disorder. Psychological Medicine 45(15):3171-80.
  • Koschützke L, Bertram J, Hartmann B, Lotze M, Bartsch D, von Bohlen und Halbach O. (2015) SrGAP3 knockout mice display enlarges lateral ventricles and specific cilia distur-bances of ependymal cells in the third ventricle. Cell & Tissue Research, 361(2):645-50.
  • Strauß S, Grothe M, Usichenko T, Neumann N, Byblow WD, Lotze M. (2015) Inhibition of the primary sensorimotor cortex by topical anesthesia of the forearm in patients with CRPS. Pain 156(12):2556-61.
  • Starrost S. und Lotze M. (2015) Folgen von Bettruhe und Immobilisation. Neuroreha 7: 105-108.
  • Lotze M. und Munzert J. (2015) Imaginationstraining. Neuroreha 7: 175-178.
  • Lotze M. (2015) Maladaptive Plastizität bei chronisch neuropathischen Schmerzen; Der Schmerz 30(2):127-33.
  • Usichenko, T.*, Laqua, R.*, Leutzo, B., Lotze, M. (2015) Preliminary Findings of Cerebral Responses on Transcutaneous Vagal Nerve Stimulation on Experimental Heat Pain. Brain Imaging and Behavior 11(1):30-37.
  • Usichenko TI, Wesolowski T, Lotze M (2014) Verum and sham acupuncture exert distinct cerebral activation in pain processing areas: a crossover fMRI investigation in healthy volunteers, Brain Imaging and Behavior, in press.
  • Ladda AM., Pfannmöller JP., Kalisch T., Roschka S., Platz T., Dinse HR., Lotze M. (2014) Effects of combining 2 weeks of passive sensory stimulation with active hand motor training in healthy adults. PlosOne 9(1):e84402.
  • Fernández-Salazar M. (2014) Cortical plasticity related to chronic pain in a continuous interaction of neuronal and mental processes. Cognitive Critique. Vol. 8.
  • Fritz H.C., Wittfeld K, Schmidt C O, Domin M, Grabe H J, Hegenscheid K, Hosten N, Lotze M (2014) Current smoking and reduced gray matter volume – a voxel-based morphometry study. Neuropsychopharmacology 39(11):2594-600. doi: 10.1038/npp.2014.112.
  • Domin M., Langner S., Hosten N., Lotze M. (2014) Comparison of parameter threshold combinations for diffusion tensor tractography in chronic stroke patients and healthy subjects. PlosOne, in press.
  • Oelschläger M, Pfannmöller J, Langner I, Lotze M. (2014) Usage of the middle finger shapes reorganization of the primary somatosensory cortex in patients with index finger amputation Rest Neurol Neurosci. in press.
  • Kreifelts B., Brück C., Ritter J., Ethofer T., Domin M., Lotze M., Jacob H., Schlipf S., Wildgruber D.(2014) They are laughing at me: cerebral mediation of cognitive biases in social anxiety. PlosOne. in press.
  • Erhard, K., Kessler, F., Neumann, N., Ortheil H.-J., Lotze, M. (2014) Professional training in creative writing is associated with enhanced fronto-striatal activity in a literary text continuation task. Neuroimage,100:15-23.
  • von Bohlen und Halbach O, Lotze M, Pfannmöller JP (2014) Post-mortem magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM) of the murine brain at 7 Tesla results in a gain of resolution as compared to in-vivo MRM. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. in press.
  • Kinder M*, Lotze M*, Davids S, Domin M, Thoms K, Wendt J, Hirschfeld H, Hamm A, Lauffer H. (2014) Imaging in obese children responding to long-term sports therapy. Behavioral Brain Research, in press. (equal contribution).
  • Lotze, M., Erhard, K., Neumann, N., Eickhoff, S., Langner, R (2014) Neural correlates of verbal creativity: Differences in resting-state functional connectivity associated with expertise in creative writing Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, in press.
  • Mihai P.G., Otto M., Platz T., Eickhoff S.B., Lotze M. (2014) Sequential evolution of cortical activity and effective connectivity of swallowing using fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, in press.
  • Grabe H.J., Wittfeld K., Hegenscheid K., Lotze M., Janowitz D., Völzke H., Freyberger H.J. (2014) Alexithymia and Brain Gray Matter Volumes in a general population sample; Human Brain Mapping 35(12):5932-45
  • Dubischar-Krivec A.M., Bölte S., Braun C., Poustka F., Birbaumer N., Neumann, N (2014) Neural mechanisms of savant calendar calculating in autism: an MEG-study of few single cases. Brain and Cognition, in press.
  • Lotze, M and Di Pietro F (2014) Brain activity and reorganization in CRPS. In: The Brain Adapting with Pain: Contribution of Neuroimaging Technology to pain mechanisms. Ed: Vania Apkarian. IASP Press, in press.
  • Janowitz D., Schwahn C., Borchardt U., Wittfeld K., Schulz A., Barnow S., Biffar R., Hoffmann W, Habes M., Homuth G., Nauck N., Hegenscheid K., Lotze M., Völzke H., Freyberger H., Debette S., Grabe H.J. (2014) Genetic, psychosocial, and clinical factors associated with hippocampal volume in the general population. Translational Psychiatry 4:e465.
  • DiPietro F, Stanton TR, Moseley GL, Lotze M, Mc Aulley JH (2014) Interhemispheric somatosensory differences in chronic pain reflect abnormality of the healthy side. Human Brain Mapping, in press.
  • Kühn JP, Jahn C, Hernando D, Siegmund W, Hadlich S, Mayerle J, Pfannmöller J, Langner S, Reeder S. (2014) T1 bias in chemical shift-encoded liver fat-fraction: Role of the flip angle. J Magn Reson Imaging, in press.
  • Kordass B., Lickteig R, Ruge S, Lotze M. (2014) Zur Wirkungsweise okklusaler Aufbissbehelfe - Untersuchungen mit kinematomographischen und elektromyographischen Verfahren sowie funktionellem MRT (fMRT). Teratologie heute. Herausgeber: Fanghänel J, Behr M, Proff P. 155-163
  • Birbaumer N., Veit R., Lotze M., Herrmann C, Erb M, Grodd W, Flor H. (2005) Deficient fear conditioning in psychopathy: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 62: 799-805.
  • Anders S., Lotze M., Wildgruber D., Erb M., Grodd W., Birbaumer N. (2005) Processing of a simple aversive conditioned stimulus in a divided visual field paradigm: An fMRI study. Experimental Brain Research 162: 213-219.
  • Anders S., Birbaumer N., Sadowski B., Erb M., Mader I., Grodd W. and Lotze M. (2004) Parietal somatosensory association cortex mediates affective blindsight. Nature Neuroscience 7 (4): 339-340.
  • Anders S., Lotze M., Erb M., Grodd W., Birbaumer N. (2004) Brain activity underlying emotional valence and arousal: A response-related fMRI study. Human Brain Mapping; 23: 200-209.
  • Karim A.A., Kammer T., Lotze M., Nitsche M.A., Godde B., Hinterberger T., Cohen L.G., Birbaumer N. (2004) Effects of TMS and tDCS on the physiological regulation of cortical excitability in a Brain-Computer Interface. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 49:55-57.
  • Kübler A., Schmidt K., Cohen L.G., Lotze M., Winter S., Hinterberger T., Birbaumer, N. (2002) Modulation of slow cortical potentials by transcranial magnetic stimulation in humans. Neuroscience Letters 324: 205-208.
  • Veit R., Flor H., Erb M., Hermann C., Lotze M., Grodd W., Birbaumer N. (2002) Brain Circuits Involved in Emotional Learning in Antisocial Behavior and Social Phobia in Humans. Neuroscience Letters 328: 233-236.
  • Birbaumer N., Grodd W., Diedrich O., Klose U., Erb M., Lotze M., Schneider F., Flor H. (1998) Functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals amygdala activation during fear-processing in social phobics. NeuroReport 9: 1223-1226.
  • Roenneberg T., Lotze M., Steinbüchel N. v. (1992) Diurnal variation in human visual sensitivity determined by incremental thresholds. Clinical Vision Science (Vision Research) 7: 83-91.