
» Sensoriomotor interaction during musical learning

New publication on singers Finkel S., Veit R., Lotze M., Friberg A., Vuust P., Soekadar S., Birbaumer N., Kleber B. (2019) Intermittent theta burst stimulation over right somatosensory larynx cortex enhances vocal pitch-control in non-singers, Human Brain Mapping, in press.

VBM-study on singers detecting singing experience associated gray matter changes in the brain:
Kleber et al., 2017

2013 -Prize of the Society for Musicmedicine and Musicianphysiology.

For the work: Pau S., Jahn G., Sakreida K., Domin M., Lotze M. (2013) Encoding and recall of finger sequences in experienced pianists compared to musically naïves: a combined behavioural and functional imaging study. Neuroimage 64:379-87.

Greifswald Science Price (18.4.2013 ) for the study:
Instrument specific brain activation in sensorimotor and auditory representation in musicians. First author: Benjamin Gebel
published in Neuroimage 2013

Finkel S., Veit R., Lotze M., Friberg A., Vuust P., Soekadar S., Birbaumer N., Kleber B. (2019) Intermittent theta burst stimulation over right somatosensory larynx cortex enhances vocal pitch-control in non-singers, Human Brain Mapping, in press.
Kleber, B. *, Veit, R. *, Moll, C.V., Gaser, C., Birbaumer, N., Lotze, M. (2017) The brain of opera singers revisited: increased gray-matter density in right somatosensory and auditory regions revealed by voxel-based morphometry. Neuroimage, 133: 477-83.
Lotze, M. (2013) Mental imagery of musical performance. Frontiers in Neuroscience, June 2013.
Gebel B., Braun Ch., Kaza E., Altenmüller E., Lotze M. (2013) Instrument specific brain activation in sensorimotor and auditory representation in musicians. Neuroimage,74:37-44.
Pau S., Jahn G., Sakreida K., Domin M., Lotze M. (2013) Encoding and recall of finger sequences in experienced pianists compared to musically naïves: a combined behavioural and functional imaging study. Neuroimage, 64:379-87.
Kleber B., Veit R., Birbaumer N., Gruzelier J., Lotze M. (2009) Singing in the brain: experience-dependent neuronal specialization for vocal skills; Cerebral Cortex, 20(5): 1144-52.
Kleber B., Birbaumer N., Veit R, Trevorrow T. , Lotze M. (2007) Neuroimaging correlates of overt and imagined singing of an Italian aria. NeuroImage 36: 889-900.
Kreutz, G., Lotze, M. (2007) Neuroscience of music and emotion in: Neurosciences in Music Pedagogy edited by Wilfried Gruhn and Frances Rauscher Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York, USA
D´Ausilio A., Altenmüller E., Olivetti Belardinelli M., Lotze M. (2006) Cross modal plasticity of the motor cortex while listening to a rehearsed musical piece. European Journal of Neuroscience, 24; 955-958.
Lotze M., Scheler G., Tan HRM., Braun C, Birbaumer N. (2003) The musician’s brain: functional imaging of amateurs and professionals during performance and imagery. NeuroImage 20: 1817-1829.