» Converting of emotional face expression by MS-patients
M. GrotheThe objective of this study is to investigate impaired emotion recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis by means of images, which show emotional faces.
Three different groups were established (MS-patients with and without impaired emotion recognition and a healthy control group) due to two tests of the "Tuebingen Affekt Batterie" (Breitenstein et al. 1996).
The intention is to demonstrate on which converting layer a deficit is found in the impaired emotion recognition in MS patients.

Regression analysis between signal intensity and the percentage of correct answers to unpleasant facial expressions. Of the regions of interest, only a cluster enclosing the VLPFC and the anterior insula showed significant activations (depicted on five axial slices with MNI z-coordinates; color-coded t-scale). Significant linear correlations were detected between blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) intensities for each subject and parameter estimates of the highest activated voxels.
Grothe M., Jochem K., Strauss S., Kirsch M., Hoffeld K., Penner I-K., Nagels G., Klepzig K., Domin* M., Lotze* M. (2022) Performance in information processing speed is associated with superior parietal tract integrity in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers Neurology, 13: 982964.
Grothe M., Domin M., Hoffeld K., Nagels G., Lotze M. (2020) Functional representation of the symbol digit modalities test in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 43:102159.
Grothe M., Lotze, M., Langner, S., Dressel A. (2017) Impairments in walking ability, dexterity and cognitive function in multiple sclerosis are associated with
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Grothe, M., Langner, S., Lotze, M., Dressel, A. (2016) The role of global and regional gray matter volume decrease in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology, 263(6):1137-45.
Berneiser J., Wendt J., Grothe M., Kessler C., Hamm A. O., Dressel A. (2014) Impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions in patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 3: 482-8.
Krause M., Wendt J., Dressel A., Berneiser J., Kessler C., Hamm A., Lotze M. (2009) Prefrontal function associated with impaired emotion recognition in patients with multiple sclerosis. Behavioural Brain Research 205: 280-5.